Single Session Consult
Single topic you are seeking guidance about.
30-45 minute sessions, not to exceed 45 minutes.
Tandum sessions may be purchased.
$44 per session.
Oracle and/or Tarot card guidance available for $10 add on (not exceeding 45 minute session time.)
Yes/No Devination guidance available for $5 add on (not exceeding 45 minute session time.)
Why should I have a session?
Reclaim your authentic expression of self. This is exactly what Optimal Awareness was created for; to offer a non-biased perspective of your emotional circumstance. Resulting in establishing a bigger-picture mindset, thus changing the original trajectory of the matter into something more manageable or even eliminating the challenge all together. The desired result of each session is to have you feeling validated about your experience, accepted regarding your perspective, and celebrated knowing you are capable of persevering through anything. As a result, you will feel lighter, brighter, and more in alignment with your soul’s authenticity.
You’ll be a more radiant, you!
What would I talk about?
· A personal matter between you and a friend or family member that has been weighing on your heart.
· An odd circumstance at your job or within your community which you’re having trouble moving through.
· A personal growth and development block, spiritual or other.
· Anything, really… the choice is yours.
You deserve to feel validated, accepted, and celebrated for who you are and what you bring to the world!
Single Session Card Reading
One question reading session.
20-30 minute session, not to exceed 30 minutes.
$33 per session.
Multiple sessions may be purchased.
May be added to a scheduled Consult Session for $10.
Why have a card reading?
You may not feel comfortable discussing a private matter on your heart, but still desire guidance regarding the situation. During a card reading we tune into your higher-self and any other Divine and/or Celestial energies of your greatest good and soul's development, for guidance, by interpreting the messages brought forth in the cards.
You may just desire a confirmation about a direction in a matter you are navigating; career, love life, spiritual developement, personal growth, etc. A card reading can bring the messages of support and encouragement you are seeking.
Yes / No Devination Reading
A Devination Reading can provide you with a fast answer to any question. You don't have the share your question with me, as long as it is asked in a manner for which the answer can be given as a Yes or No (or similar) for your highest and greatest good of your soul's developement.
Does not need to be a virtual visit.
Answers can be provided via Facebook messenger or email.
One question per purchaced reading.
$10 per question.
Multiple readings may be purchaced, priced individualy.
May be added to a scheduled Consult Session for $5 per question.